We believe that high quality hemp oil should be highly accessible and affordable, which is why we created a formula that makes no concessions in quality and purity.


Organic ingredients

Blue Angel creates and distributes the world’s purest hemp oil. We don’t place value on corporate jargon or airs of luxury; to us, healthy, nature-driven pain and stress relief should be available to everyone. Our focus is simple: affordable access to the powers of hemp oil through an increasing variety of products that delight our customers. We believe that a product that is good does good, from our customers to our sources, from our workers to our community.

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."

- Mohandas K. Gandhi




Our benefits

Traditional medicine swears its doctors to a simple rule: “first, do no harm.” We believe that the hemp oil industry can take its philosophy of healing further: first, do all good. Our product, our processes and even our employment practices hinge on maximizing the value to each team player, from the farmers harvesting your hemp to the workers carefully processing. And of course, it should do the most good for the most amount of customers through high quality and affordability.

We’ve achieved these lofty goals through slow, mindful growth and a fierce dedication to how science can help us unlock the powers of hemp without distorting nature’s intention for this plant. We invite you on a hemp journey unlike any other: one where the product does “all good” to every hand it touches.



Give back. Not out.

We believe that our painstaking care doesn’t stop at our ingredients. When you order a Blue Angel product, you’re helping employ and train disadvantaged workers for a long and prosperous career.

Pain Relief Cream


2 OZ / 500 MG

Hemp Gummy Bears


4 OZ / 300 MG




Our customers. Our ambassadors.

  • "I have tried many brands and versions of hemp oils, and this is the only formula that has worked for us. Thank you for working so hard to make this. I love it!"

    Anna M.

  • "I use this at the office, at the gym, outside, the week days, the weekends.... I used to really hate physically exerting activities because my joints were awful. But since my friend turned me on to you guys, pain-free. I feel like I just got twenty years back!"

    Carl K.

  • "These gummies were my first venture into a hemp product. The taste is amazing and I am really happy with the effect. I'm definitely calmer, more serene, and focused!"

    Hannah G.

  • "LOVE THESE. I always was a fan of gummy bears and it's nice to have an adult version! THey go just as great on ice cream as the originals... great way to "Chill!""

    Kirk C.